342 / Diamantscheiben DIAMANT- SCHEIBEN PERSÖNLICHE SCHUTZAUSRICHTUNG Schutzbrille, Gehörschutz, Schutzhandschuhe, Staubmasken und bei riskanten Einsätzen Gesichtsschutz, Lederschürze und Sicherheitsschuhe müssen getragen werden. Keine defekten Schleifscheiben einsetzen Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machin Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7 Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Atemschutz Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Schutzhandschuhe Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suit ble for totally-enclosed machin s Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Anweisungen lesen Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet gr n ing (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICI L oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be u ed with a back-up pad Nassschliff Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oS Only suit ble for wet grinding Wear ear pro ection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a b ck-up pad Schutzbrille Do not use if dam ged Do ot use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable f r totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use wi h hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for fac grindin (ISO 7010) Only to b used with a back-up pad Gehörschutz Do not use if damaged Do ot use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) nly suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear pr tectiv loves (ISO 7 Refer t instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to b used with a back-up pad Nur für Trockenschliff Do n Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable Wear e Wear pro Refer to instru Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTO Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with h We r ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up p d UMFANGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT MAXIMALE UMFANGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT DURCHMESSER (mm) MAX M/S MAX U/Min 100 80 15.300 115 80 13.300 125 80 12.250 150 80 10.200 180 80 8.500 200 80 7.650 230 80 6.650 250 80 6.100 300 100 6.400 350 100 5.500 400 100 4.800 450 63 2.700 ÜBERSCHREITEN SIE NIEMALS DIE MAXIMALE UMFANGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT: • Diamantscheiben f. Handmaschinen ø 230 mm: 80 m/s ø > 230 mm: 100 m/s • Andere: 63 m/s TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN DIAMANTSCHEIBEN