216 / Schleifmittel auf Unterlage SCHLEIFMITTEL AUF UNTERLAGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Atemschutz Schutzhandschuhe Schutzbrille Gehörschutz Anweisungen lesen Nass Trocken Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed m chines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective glov s (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet gri ding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding W ar ear protection (ISO 7010) Only o be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged D not use for wet grindi g (ISO 7010) Only sui able fo totally-en l sed machines Wear eye protecti n (ISO 701 ) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do no us with hand-held grinding m n (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for fac (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) nly to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa Only suitable for wet grinding Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Schutzbrille, Gehörschutz, Schutzhandschuhe, Staubmasken und bei riskanten Einsätzen Gesichtsschutz, Lederschürzen und Sicherheitsschuhe müssen getragen werden. PERSÖNLICHE SCHUTZAUSRÜSTUNG Do not use Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suitable for tot Wear eye pro Wear protectiv Refer to instruction m Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-hel Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010)